Thursday 17 August 2017

Title:the hat

In connors hat the cat chased the rat and chased the mat.
In connors hat the rat chased the hat.
In connors hat the rat chased the cat.
In connors hat the rat ate the mat.
In connors hat the rat looked at the mat.
In connors hat the rat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat.
In connors hat the fat bat sat.
In connors hat the cow pat sat
In connors hat the cow filled the vat.

Kawasaki motorbike is as fast as the lightning.
Kawasaki is a grambaley  bere.
The fog is a blanket on the hill keeping the mountain warm
The mountains float on the clouds.
Marshmallows floating through the sky.
The hall is a dinosaur.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    Nice Writing that you wrote! Keep up the Great Learning!
    Joseph from SPX NU'U!!!!


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